Τρίτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2013

SPD: Στα 77 δις το χρηματοδοτικό κενό για την Ελλάδα μέχρι το 2020

Following accusations from senior SPD politicians including former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder that the German government was misleading the public over the third Greek bailout, German Chancellor Angela Merkel hit back yesterday, arguing that “Chancellor Schröder accepted Greece in [to the eurozone] and weakened the Stability Pact; both decisions were fundamentally wrong, and one of the starting points for our current troubles”.

Meanwhile, the SPD’s budgetary spokesperson Carsten Schneider cited Troika figures to claim that in addition to the €11bn that Greece needs up to 2015, it also needs further assistance up until 2020 to compensate for low economic growth and unrealised proceeds from privatisation of state assets, estimated to total around €77bn. However, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble accused the SPD of conflating the gross and net figures.  The third Greek bailout is now expected to feature prominently in Sunday’s televised debate between Merkel and the SPD’s Chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück. Open Europe Berlin director Michael Wohlgemuth is cited by The Local arguing that “The SPD have not got a solution either…People may even think that the SPD would be more willing to spend more money on Greece.” Michael also was cited by Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

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